3rd year
- 2.11 - Dissemination Report
- 3.3 - Third Version of Event Recognition and Forecasting Technology
- 4.3 - Third Version of Real-Time Decision-Making Technology
- 5.3 - The Design of User Interfaces for the SPEEDD Prototype
- 6.6 - Final version of Computation and Communication Scalable Algorithms
- 6.7 - Final Integrated Prototype
- 7.3 - Intermediate Evaluation Report (for the “Proactive Credit Card Fraud Management Use Case”)
- 7.4 - Final Evaluation Report of SPEEDD Dashboards for Credit Card Fraud management
- 8.5 - Intermediate Evaluation Report (for the “Proactive Traffic Management Use Case”)
- 8.6 - Final Evaluation Report of SPEEDD for Traffic management
2nd year
- 2.6 - Project Leaflets - 2nd version
- 2.7 - Interim Dissemination Plan
- 2.9 - Journal Special Issue
- 2.10 - Press Releases - 2nd version
- 3.2 - Second Version of Event Recognition and Forecasting Technology
- 4.2 - Second Version of Real-Time Decision-Making Technology
- 5.2 - Second Version of Visual Analytics Suite for Proactive Decision Support
- 6.1/ 6.5 - The Architecture Design of the SPEEDD Prototype (amended) and Second Integrated Prototype
- 6.4 - Second Version of Computation and Communication Scalable Algorithms
- 7.1 - Amended version of User Requirements and Scenario Definitions (for the “Proactive Credit Card Fraud Management Use Case”)
- 7.2 - Initial Evaluation Report (for the “Proactive Credit Card Fraud Management Use Case”)
- 8.1 - Amended version of User Requirements and Scenario Definition (for the “Proactive Traffic Management Use Case”)
- 8.3 - Initial Evaluation Report (for the “Proactive Traffic Management Use Case”)
- 8.4 - Final Version of Micro-Simulator
1st year
- 2.1 - Basic Dissemination Material and Fact sheet
- 2.2 - Initial communication and dissemination plan
- 2.3 - Press Releases - 1st version
- 2.5 - Project Leaflets - 1st version
- 3.1 - First Version of Event Recognition and Forecasting Technology (part 1 and part 2)
- 4.1 - First version of Real-Time Decision-Making Technology
- 5.1 - First Version of Visual Analytics Suite for Proactive Decision Support
- 6.1 - The Architecture Design of the SPEEDD Prototype
- 6.2 - First Version of Computation and Communication Scalable Algorithms
- 6.3 - First Integrated Prototype
- 7.1 - User Requirements and Scenario Definitions (for the “Proactive Credit Card Fraud Management Use Case”)
- 8.1 - User Requirements and Scenario Definitions (for the “Proactive Traffic Management Use Case”)
- 8.2 - First version of Micro-Simulator